Friday, June 9, 2017


We parked at the Maritime City RV park on the Homer Spit. Our site had a beautiful view overlooking the Cook Inlet.   Homer is definitely a Fishing town with hundreds to thousands of boats docked at the Harbor.
The Alusian Islands are off the shore of Homer and stretch for 5000 miles to the Bering Sea.  We arrived before lunch and went to Captain Paddys for a Halibut Lunch and then off to see the town.  The Alaskan Islands and Oceans visitor Center is also the regional office for the Department of Interior,  With an Interactive Museum and a Film, you got a great overview of the wildlife on the Islands.  On the first day in Homer we visited the local Farmers Market and the shops along the Spit.
Since we were not fishing at Homer, we decided that we would head out to Kenai after spending the night.

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