Wednesday, July 12, 2017

FAIRBANKS, AK, July 10-13, 2017

Dog Mushing

We arrived in Fairbanks and parked at the city's Pioneer Park which is a 45 acre park with all kinds of historical buildings and shops that represent the old Alaska days.  There were no hookups, just boondocking in their parking lot for $12/day.  We plan to be here for 3 days.  The morning after we arrived we took the steamboat Discovery down the Chenata River for a 3hr. trip.
The riverboat was huge and was a true paddle boat. Along the way we got a demonstration on Dog Mushing from the daughter of a 4 time female Identarod winner.  We then went up the river to a native village.  Along the way a plane landed on the river and took off as a demonstration.  Along the river we saw a herd of Caribou along the banks near the Native village. 
The guides at the Indian village gave us a full tour and history of the natives and how they lived and survived during the harse winters.  They talked about how they lived off the land and made their clothing from the furs as well as a full discussion and demonstration on how they air dryed and smoked the salmon.
  The following day we rode 7 miles north of Fairbanks to Gold Dredge Mine No. 8 to pan for Gold.
Panning for Gold
They also included a full discussion of the Alaskan Pipeline that runs 800 miles from Nome to Valdez from .  Together, Linda and I panned $46 of Gold in 3 tries.  Tonight we plan on going to a authentic Alaskan Salmon Bake and a comedy revue about life in the Alaskan Frontier in the Pioneer Village.  This will be our last night here and then we head to Hyder tomorrow which is 1281 miles south of here.

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