Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday at the Canyon

Today we went to the Grand Canyon First BaptistChurch.   Services were held at the Shrine of Ages built in the 60's for the purpose of holding religious services.  The pastor and his wife are home missionaries supported by the home mission board of the Southern Baptist Convention.  The service was typical Baptist with us feeling like we were back home.  The crowd was small but brother Rick preached the word.  It was interesting in talking with him about his mission field and the prohibitions that the government puts on his witnessing.  He lives in the park in a home that the mission board owns but he cannot approach anyone in the park such as knocking on doors and witnessing or he could be asked to leave. Sounds like some other country.  Hard to believe that we have deteriorated to this point in America.  The way he gets around this is by inviting people to his home and then witnessing to them.  The park does not pass out any literature about the services that are held in the park.  After church we rode out the south entrance of the park to Tusayan.  We went to the IMAX t the south entrance visitors center to see the movie of the Grand Canyon.  It was very well done and I would recommend it if you come to the GCNP.  We then had a late lunch at a local steakhouse and then returned to the RV to rest up and for Linda to do some work on the computer.  Tomorrow is our last day here before heading to monument Valley

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