Monday, September 23, 2013

Texas Hill Country

Topography of Texas Hill Country 
Texas Hill Country is the rolling plains in central Texas that is 60-70 miles wide from Austin to Fredricksburg.  It is truly the old western cattle country where now much of the land is in orchards and wineries.  It is the home of our 36th President, Lyndon Baynes Johnson.  LBJ's roots ran deep in the Texas soil with his grandfather Sam Johnson Sr leaving Georgia with his brother to drive cattle up the Chisolm Trail in the 1850's.
Sam Johnson Sr
Johnson Settlement
 During his 5 years as President, LBJ returned to his beloved Hill Country many times.  In 1951 he bought the Ranch from his Uncle and Aunt and expanded the structure to what it is today.  As President he had a working office and had many cabinet meetings at the Ranch.  He had many state (Texas style BBQ's) functions in front of his house on the Pedernales River.  He had built a 6000 ft. runway where he and many state officials flew from Washington to conduct business.

Johnson's Boyhood home from age 5-25 yrs of age he lived here
Johnson moved to Johnson City with his family when he was five years of age,  He lived in the family home until he was 25yrs of age

LBJ always wanted to go back to the River and the land where he was born.  In 1951 he had that opportunity when he bought the 300 acres and home from his Uncle.  Over the years it became a 6000 acre working Ranch,  He lived there and died there and is buried on the Ranch in the family cemetery.
The Texas Whitehouse
Cabinet Tree
LBJ had many cabinet meetings 

LBJ & Lady Bird's Graves

After visiting the LBJ Ranch and the Johnson Settlement, we had lunch at a local Mexican Restaurant.  It was really good, a home baked flour tortilla was the best I have ever had.  After a couple of hours back at the RV we drove to Luckenbach, Texas.  Willie and the boys were not there this day but there was another local group.  The population of Luckenbach wa 3 when the last census was taken but today it is 0.  Of course that is what the local merchant shared with us
Old Post Office
Local Group performing under 500 yr Oak trees

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