Monday, May 15, 2017


Since the last post, we have driven across 4 Canadian Provinces, Manitoba, Sasketchewan, Alberta and well into British Columbia for a total of 3300 miles.
  Not much to see except for farm land upon more farmland and huge grain elevators where wheat is stored and loaded on box cars. It is definitely the high plains with no wind breaks which made driving difficult on several days where we had 25-35 mph wind gusts.  The weather was fairly good, just getting cooler (42*) until we left Whitecourt, Alberta on May 12.  About 40 miles out of town it began to snow and we traveled about 100 of the 210 mile trip in the snow to Dawson Creek, BC.
Dawson Creek is Mile O where the Alaska Highway begins.
The highway was built from Dawson Creek to Fairbanks, Alaska in 1942 at the start of WWII as a means of moving military equipment into Alaska during the War.  It was an enormous feat covering 1300 miles in 8 months..  We spent 2 nights at the Mile O RV Park before starting our journey up the Alcan Highway to Fort Nelson which is 290 miles north. 200 miles of the trip was through the snow and we were very glad to arrive in Fort Nelson.
Tomorrow we head to Mucho Lake Provencial Park where the Laird river Hot Springs are located.  We plan on going to the Hot Springs and jumping in.

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