Saturday, May 20, 2017


From Ft Nelson to Watson Lake was slightly over 300 miles and we pulled into the Downtown RV Park which was1 block off the Alaska Highway,  It was a good overnight stop,  Watson Lake is known for the signpost forest where travelers northward leave some sign important to them.
I left an Auburn License Plate.
There is no way to relate he number of signs on post that have been left through the years.  We left early the next morning for Whitehorse, Yukon.  This was a 297 mile trip through some of the most road construction to date.  My Goal was to get to Whitehorse by Memorial Day but we arrived 10 days ahead of schedule, 12 days since we left home.  When we arrived at Whitehorse, we had traveled 3799 miles.  W drove through Teslin which has the second longest bridge on the Alaska Highway.
Also we made a stop at Johnsons Trading Post, the oldest store on the Alaska Highway,

Early travelers build a wooden bridge to cross raging waters in order to get North. 

We left Whitehorse after only one night thinking that we could spend a few days there on the return trip.  Linda says I have destination disease but she agrees our goal is to get to Alaska and spend as much time there as possible and we are less than 400 miles from the Alaskan border.  We traveled through some major road construction today from Destruction Bay, Burlash Landing to Beaver Creek.  The most beautiful part of the trip was the Kluane Lake and Mountains

Beaver Creek to Tok, Alaska
After 14 days of traveling, we crossed the Alaska Border and went through Customs at 10:30 am without any problems.
  Frost heaves continued to be the concern for the day.  We arrived in Tok around 2:30pm at Tok RV Village.  Our plans are to spend 2 nights here and one day driving the jeep to Chicken from here

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