Saturday, May 27, 2017

Valdez Memorial Day Celebration

Saturday, May 27 we attended the Memorial Day Celebration that the town of Valdez had to honor those wo have served and are still serving in the armed forces.  The celebration will go through Monday, Memorial Day.  All events were held at the John Kelsey Dock Plaza.
The Commander of the Valdez Coast Guard spoke and two former Vietnam veterans were honored.  Lunch was served to everyone attending the event.  Halibut, Hot dogs with the condiments were the menu.  The city sponsored halibut fishing for all active service members attending as well as games for the children.  It was not raining today but the temperture was in the high 30s and the wind was of an artic nature. 
Tomorrow the day will start with a pancake breakfast free to the public, sponsored by the Elks Lodge with a picnic lunch at noon.  We plan on attending the First Baptist Church service tomorrow morning before the picnic.  Jeff and Laura who own the Eagles Rest Rv Park where we are staying invited us to stay over for the weekend.  Since my original goal was to be in Whitehorse on Memorial Day, we decided we could stay over the weekend and hit the road again on Monday where we plan on going to Kennecott.
9th Army Rock Band

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