Monday, May 15, 2017


We are staying overnight a the Triple J RV park which is adjacent to the Fort Nelson Museum.
  It was quite interesting with all kinds of antiques and area artifacts inside the museum.  A stand alone building was the home of 20 plus vintage automobiles, the oldest an 1906 Buick.

  All the automobiles could be driven.  The owner, Marl, was a real pioneer in the area,  When he started the museum, he had a long beard and auctioned  his beard for 10,000 Canadian dollars to start his dream museum, which had a wealth of artifacts and history from the area and the Alaskan Highway.  We met him and he was gracious enough to spend some time with us as well as having a picture made with us.
Marl, the owner

Hudson Bay House

Fort Nelson Post Office

Traders Cabin
On his property he had moved in the house of the manager of the Hudson Bay Trading Company, the original town Post Office and a fur trappers log cabin.  All was time well spent.

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